Kwik-Bond Commercial Floor Repair Products


Scaling in concrete is typically a result of exposure to freeze-thaw cycles and the use of de-icing salts or chemicals. It often shows flaking or peeling off the surface layer of the concrete. Here’s a how-to guide on repairing scaling in concrete in commercial buildings using KwikBond’s concrete repair products.

 Tools and Materials Needed:
KwikBond guide to fix scaling concrete floors

  • KwikBond’s Concrete Repair Products
  • Wire brush or grinding tool
  • Vacuum or blower
  • Trowel or putty knife
  • Mixing bucket
  • Protective gloves
  • Safety glasses
  • Concrete sealer (optional)


Step 1: Safety First

Always start by wearing your safety gear. This includes protective gloves and safety glasses.

Step 2: Assess the Damaged Area

Examine the extent of the scaling. This will help you understand how much of the KwikBond product you will need. If the damage extends to more than just the surface of the concrete, a more comprehensive repair approach may be needed.

Prepare the Surface: Use a wire brush or grinding tool to remove the scaled concrete. It’s essential to remove all loose and unsound concrete to ensure the KwikBond product bonds well with the solid concrete substrate.

Step 3: Clean the Area

After you’ve removed the scaled concrete, use a vacuum or blower to clean away all the dust and debris. The cleaner the surface, the better the bond with the repair material.

Step 4: Prepare the KwikBond Product

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on preparing the concrete repair product. This usually involves mixing the product until it reaches a uniform consistency.

Step 5: Apply the KwikBond Product

Using a trowel or putty knife, spread the KwikBond product over the prepped area. Make sure the product fills all the voids and has a good contact with the substrate.

Step 6: Smooth the Surface

After the scaled area is covered, use your trowel or putty knife to smooth the surface. The goal is to make the repaired area blend with the rest of the concrete surface.

Step 7: Let it Cure

Allow the repair to cure as per the manufacturer’s instructions. The curing time can depend on the specific product, the thickness of the application, and the environmental conditions.

Step 8: Apply Concrete Sealer (Optional)

Once the repair has cured, you can apply a concrete sealer if recommended by the manufacturer. This can help protect the repair and prolong the life of the concrete.

Step 9: Clean Up

Finally, clean your tools and dispose of any waste according to your local regulations.

Maintaining commercial concrete structures involves regular inspection and repairs. If concrete scaling is a recurring issue, it may be worth investigating the cause to prevent future damage. This may involve consulting with a professional.

Contact KwikBond at (631) 298-6300 to discover which concrete repair product will work best for you and steps to repair your commercial building.