List of Industrial Concrete Repair Products
Recognizing the early signs of concrete damage is crucial. Each crack and crevice could be signaling a deeper issue, threatening the integrity and safety of your workspace.
Don’t wait for small cracks to become big problems. At Capital Industries, Inc., we have the industrial concrete repair products you need to address any issue, ensuring your floors are safe, attractive, and fully functional. Whether you need a concrete sealer, concrete repair epoxy, concrete ceiling repair products, or concrete wall repair products, our solutions are designed to meet your needs head-on.
KwikBond delivers exceptional industrial concrete floor repair products tailored to your needs. Our extensive range of concrete crack repair products ensures a robust solution for every challenge. With a call to (631) 298-6300, you embark on the path to durable, reliable floors. Let our team guide you to the perfect repair solution, making your floors strong and dependable once again.
KWIK-BOND is a premixed, 100% solids polyester resin based compound. It provides high early strength with negligible shrinkage. It cures hard, yet not brittle, and bonds securely to all concrete surfaces. As KWIK-BOND is moisture insensitive, it can be applied to damp surfaces. With its built in flexibility, abrasion, and corrosion resistant properties, It is an excellent industrial patching and resurfacing compound that can be feather edged. KWIK-BOND is USDA approved for use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants.
KWIK-BOND is designed for industrial concrete floor repair on frozen surfaces such as freezers, coolers, and holding boxes. You can set up and cure without the need to raise surface temperatures, use propane torches, or heating lamps to accelerate the cure. KWIK-BOND can be used anywhere a quick set is desired, in any temperature range.
Read More...KWIK-CRETE is a very rapid setting, advanced urethane formulated, high industrial strength, ultra low viscosity concrete crack repair and concrete floor repair material. KWIK-CRETE is a two part, 1:1 mix ratio by volume, 100% solids system. It is 100% solvent free and VOC free. KWIK-CRETE is designed to repair spalled concrete floors, surfaces and cracks, and to rebuild damaged control joints effectively and quickly.
Read More...REPOX-MIX is a three component 100% solids epoxy resin base compound. It provides high early strength with negligible shrinkage.
REPOX-MIX cures hard, yet not brittle. It bonds securely to concrete, metal, wood, brick, and other solid surfaces. REPOX-MIX is a USDA approved for use product for federally inspected meat and poultry plants. It is a unique and complete premixed epoxy mortar. Usage is simple even under the most extreme conditions. When mixed, REPOX-MIX provides a high industrial strength patching mortar which can be featheredged.
REPOX-MIX is unique in its ability to bond to damp surfaces. Thus this product may be used outdoors or on slabs where it is difficult, if not impossible, to get the surfaces absolutely dry. Complete with aggregate, nothing else to add.
Scientifically designed to fill in and resurface concrete, brick, metal, wood, and any other solid surface such as concrete curbing and concrete steps. It can also be used for anchoring equipment, posts, meters, and signs.
Read More...POLYFLEX is a 100% solids, two component, moisture insensitive epoxy. POLYFLEX is formulated polysulfide free to resist damage from wheeled traffic and stress vibrations. POLYFLEX is specifically designed as an industrial concrete floor crack filler and sealer product or narrow masonry grooves and expansion joints. This self leveling, flexible epoxy exhibits tremendous adhesion to concrete, which reinforces the joint, thus preventing deterioration of edges. POLYFLEX can be used for saw cut control joints, grooves and masonry joints to protect against water damage, corrosive materials and dirt build-up.
Read More...KWIK-FLEX is a unique and complete expansion joint and concrete floor crack repair material designed for use in low temperature areas or anywhere a quick set is desired. KWIK-FLEX cures to a high strength, resilient, and long lasting seal in just 60 minutes. KWIK-FLEX can be applied under low temperature conditions without the usual need of heat lamps or propane torches. KWIK-FLEX remains serviceable to -60°F. KWIK-FLEX may also be used for slip joints or as a crack filler.
Read More...REPOX-FC is an advanced formula two component epoxy polyamide coating system designed to provide a heavy duty gloss finish to concrete floor areas.
REPOX-FC imparts a chemically resistant, hard, durable finish not attainable with conventional resin material.
REPOX-FC is a product supplied as a two-component system with extended pot life. This permits a unique 8 hour application period after mixing. REPOX-FC will then cure to a full gloss finish. REPOX-FC is available in a wide variety of custom colors.