Repair Your Concrete Steps Easily With KWIK-BOND
Tired of seeing those cracks on your concrete stairs? Have you been wanting to fix them up, but unwilling to pay the high price of hiring a contractor to fix it for you? Then look no further than KwikBond. They’ve been providing some of the best concrete repair products on the market for many years. With KwikBond, you can save the hassle of finding a contractor and fix them yourself.
Concrete Repair Products
KwikBond offers two products to repair concrete; Kwik-Bond and Kwik-Crete. Kwik-Bond is a premixed, solid polyester resin-based compound that provides high strength with little shrinkage. It is moisture insensitive, so it can be applied to wet surfaces. The product is approved by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), which means the product can be used in places that store and process food. And the product is so easy to use. No need to add heat, Kwik-Bond is ready to use.
Kwik-Crete is a quick setting, industrial strength, low viscosity concrete repair material. Kwik-Crete is designed to repair damaged concrete floors, surfaces and cracks, and damaged control joints quickly.
Steps to Using Kwik-Bond/Kwik-Crete
Step 1: Clean the Area
Get the area as clean as possible by removing any dirt and debris from the area. Pressure washing the concrete is highly recommended.
Step 2: Apply Tape
Taping the edges of the area you are filling with concrete will prevent concrete from running off into areas you don’t need it.
Step 3: Prepare and Mix
For Kwik-Bond: Empty the powdered material from the mixing vessel onto a piece of cardboard. Pour resin into mixing vessel. Afterwards, slowly pour in the powdered material. Make sure it is constantly being mixed and trowel behind it. The product generally takes an hour to dry. After applying, make sure to clean up all tools used with lacquer thinner or Capital’s Solvent 302 before the product is set.
For Kwik-Crete: The Kwik-Crete material is self-priming. It is mixed as the product makes its way up the tube. Discarding a portion when starting that may not be mixed is recommended.
Step 4: Apply Product
For Kwik-Bond: Apply product to concrete with a trowel. Make sure to wait at least an hour for it to dry before using.
For Kwik-Rete: Before applying product, evenly apply a thin layer of the included liquid onto the concrete. Sprinkle sand into the area until the area is filled and level with the rest of the concrete floor. Afterwards, saturate the sand with the included liquid. Repeat applying sand and liquid until the area is filled and level with the floor. When filled, smooth out the area and clean up any debris. Wait 10 to 20 minutes for it to dry before using.
KwikBond products are among the best in the industry. Make sure to get a quote on cement repair products from KwikBond for your next repair project. Call Capital Industries at 631-298-6300 to speak our experienced concrete support team. We will help you select the right product for your application.

Capital Industries, Inc. is a leading supplier of commercial and industrial concrete repair products. For over 30 years, we have proudly serviced contractors, factories, warehouses and distribution centers for industrial, institutional and commercial customers. We carry a full range of concrete repair materials, including those specifically designed for low temperature areas such as freezers and coolers. Our floor repair products are rapid hardening, allowing you to reopen repaired areas with minimal downtime. All of our products are designed to be used by in-house maintenance personnel and come with an ironclad 100% guarantee of satisfaction.