How To Fix Broken Concrete: Simple Tips for Industrial Cement Crack Repair
Cracks and fissures in concrete are unsightly, and they can make your work floor dangerous. Fortunately, your maintenance crew can repair them yourself, not only saving money but also avoiding the inconvenience of having downtime for your warehouse.
What is the Difference Between a Crack and a Fissure?
Cracks are caused by external forces such as water, frost, or heavy weight. Fissures are cracks that penetrate to the underlying ground material, usually from within.
Fissures are usually repaired with a soil cement grout while cracks can be filled with an epoxy sealant.
Why Does Concrete Crack?
Two main factors cause concrete cracks. One is the shrinkage of the concrete because of the drying or freezing process. This can cause a hairline cracking of the concrete, leading to horizontal and vertical cracks on the surface. The other reason for concrete cracking is the expansion that occurs when water gets to the surface from below and freezes, causing horizontal cracking.
The first step in preventing cracks in concrete is to seal any leaks or holes in the foundation before pouring any concrete. Allowing water to seep through will result in cracks eventually as it expands when frozen and shrinks when drying out.
We should also identify the cause of the problem before deciding on a possible solution. For example, suppose a lack of cement causes it. In that case, we should add some cement to the mixture, or else if it is because of high expansion and contraction, we should stop pouring concrete when there are large temperature fluctuations.
Tools and Materials You Need to Repair Concrete
Concrete cracks are a common problem that you will likely encounter at some point. These cracks can appear on any concrete surface. They are caused by a variety of factors, including changes in temperature and poor building practices.
Repairing concrete cracks can be done with a variety of materials, such as cement and epoxy concrete patch products. You will need to have the materials ready before starting the concrete crack repair process.
The tools and repair material that you will need depend on the type of crack. For hairline cracks, you’ll need a concrete caulk sealant. For vertical and horizontal cracks, a special concrete repair product is a better option.
Fixing a cracked concrete slab is not an easy task, but there are ways to do it most efficiently.
Tools you need:
- A stiff broom handle or 2×4
- Cement mix (2 parts sand to 1 part cement)
- A bucket of water
- A large, clean cloth
- A container of wet mortar (optional)
How to Repair Cracked Concrete
Cracked concrete is a common issue in many homes and businesses. It can cause uneven surfaces, water seepage, and even mold growth.
Here are steps to repair concrete cracks:
1) Clean the area with a wire brush of any debris or loose material, which may impede the repair process.
2) Make sure you have all materials needed for repair in your possession before starting this project.
3) Scrape off any loose concrete from the surface with a chisel, using a hammer if necessary.
4) Use a hammer to drill out holes in cracks and holes with an 8 mm bit or larger depending on the depth of the hole or crack.
5) Mix cement powder and water until it forms a paste-like consistency (called “mud”).
6) Apply a thin layer of material using a brush
7) Apply material with a thicker coat using a roller or brush
8) Allow drying for the recommended drying time, or 24 hours before use
Fast Drying Concrete Repair Products
Concrete is a common building material that suffers from cracks. It can lead to many other problems like water leakages. A fast-drying crack filler material is required for such emergencies as it helps fill the gap or hole caused by the crack.
Some of the commonly used fast-drying concrete repair products are:
- KwikBond’s crack repair products are a quick solution for your cracked concrete problems. The KwikBond crack filleris fast-acting and easy to use. It comes in a variety of sizes, colors, and strengths, and it can be applied to any size or shape of crack.
It is a highly-effective product that will repair cracks up to 3/4″ wide in just seconds. The product comes with everything you need, including the instructions on how to apply it. It doesn’t require any special tools for installation and provides permanent stability within minutes of application.
- Kwik-Crete is a concrete crack repair product that has been used by professionals for over 25 years. It can be applied to any concrete surface and will seal cracks and prevent water from seeping into the crack.
Kwik-Crete is designed to fill deep cracks in concrete, up to 5 inches deep. The product hardens quickly, so it needs to be mixed during installation. “Kwik-Crete” can also be mixed with other materials, such as sand, cement, or asphalt emulsion, depending on what the end goal is for the project.
This product is great for contractors because it creates a permanent fix when it dries in around 10 minutes or less.
Although the concrete setting time for each product is different, contact Capital Industries at 631-298-6300 to find out more and get expert help to find the right concrete repair product for your application.

Capital Industries, Inc. is a leading supplier of commercial and industrial concrete repair products. For over 30 years, we have proudly serviced contractors, factories, warehouses and distribution centers for industrial, institutional and commercial customers. We carry a full range of concrete repair materials, including those specifically designed for low temperature areas such as freezers and coolers. Our floor repair products are rapid hardening, allowing you to reopen repaired areas with minimal downtime. All of our products are designed to be used by in-house maintenance personnel and come with an ironclad 100% guarantee of satisfaction.